Monday, 5 May 2008

Prince Design UK is born

My new shop is now live!!! Check it out!

I made this store banner from a photograph of some cherry blossom near to my home...

The blossom is unbelievably beautiful here at the moment. There's something about it that just gets me. When I was a baby we had a flowering cherry tree in our garden. My Mum told me last week that she used to put me in my pram underneath it so that I could look at that instead of one of those baby mobile things. She's such a cheapskate. (Joke. She's actually very sweet.)
So anyway, it must have had an effect deep in my subconscious, because I've always found that when I walk under a cherry tree in the springtime, and we are lucky enough to have lots of them here, I can't help but stop under it and look up. There's so much of it, it fills your vision and mind with soft, fluffy, floaty, dreamy, calm, cotton wool feeling... So if you're lucky enough to live somewhere you can, stop under a cherry tree and look up!
And if not, just call into my shop and look at my banner!!!!!!!!

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